Here are a few tips to help you out, should encounter such a situation: If you saw the burglar, you will be asked to provide a description which will include:Once the police have finished their investigation, make your own inspection. Use a Home Inventory Checklist to check for missing items, otherwise you may not discover the full extent of the theft until days or even months after the burglary. At the moment of crisis, call Farmers® Claim Department at 1-800-435-7764 for assistance when you need it most.
What if my home is burglarized?
If I add safety features to my home can I get discount on my insurance?
Farmers® often provides premium discounts2 for taking precautionary measures. Protective devices such as alarm systems, deadbolt locks, local burglar alarms, and central station burglar alarms all qualify for discounts but these discounts do vary by state. Contact me today to go over which discounts you may qualify for.
The first step in being prepared for a fire, is to have a family evacuation plan. Plan a safe rendezvous point for you and your family in the event that you are separated during a fire. Check out our tips for evacuating your home: Farmers also provides the following tips for surviving a fire in your home.
What happens if I have a fire in my home or my home is completely destroyed in a fire?
What if someone has an accident on my property or my pet bites someone?
The Insurance Institute estimates that up to one-third of homeowner liability claims are for dog attacks. What to do: If you own a dog: If you are threatened by a dog.
What to do before the storm: What to do after the storm: Take pictures and use a Home Inventory List to help your assess the damage. At the moment of crisis call Farmers Claim Department at 1-800-435-7764 for assistance when you need it most.
What if my home is damaged in a storm?
What do I do if a flood has destroyed my home?
Every year, people's lives across the United States are disrupted by floods. It can be a very difficult period of time, but Flood Insurance puts you in control. You can buy Flood Insurance no matter if you live in High, Low or Moderate risk areas. Buying a Flood Insurance policy is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself and reduce the cost of a flooding disaster for your family or business. Contact your Farmers Agent today for more information on Flood Insurance.
You can take specific steps today to prepare for a flood tomorrow: Flood recovery At the moment of crisis, call Farmers Claim Department at 1-800-435-7764 for assistance when you need it most.
Check to be sure that no one in the family is injured.
Start first aid immediately if needed.
Be prepared for aftershocks following an earthquake.
Put on shoes with heavy soles to protect your feet.
Check utility lines and appliances for damage.
If you smell gas, open the windows and turn off the main gas valve.
Clean up flammable liquids inside the buildings.
Check to see that sewage lines are intact and working before flushing toilets.
Take pictures of damaged property and keep notes.
You can keep a disposable camera with your earthquake kit.
Notify your Farmers agent.
Make sure your representative knows where to contact you.
At the moment of crisis, call Farmers Claim Department at (800) 435-7764 for assistance when you need it most.
What if my home is wrecked in an earthquake?
What if I become a victim of identity theft?
Here are steps you can take now to stop thieves from stealing your good name:
Do not give out personal information, such as account or credit card numbers, on the phone or over the Internet unless you have initiated the contact. Identity thieves could pose as bank officials, Internet providers or credit card company representatives. Remember: Those with a right to this information (such as your bank) should already have it and shouldn't need to request it over the phone.
Report lost or stolen checks immediately and properly store canceled checks. Examine new checks to be sure that none were stolen during shipment, and store them in a safe and secure location. Destroy unused financial solicitations before discarding them, and tear up other financial documents such as statements or receipts before discarding them.
Guard your automated teller machine (ATM) number, and treat your receipts with care. Leaving them behind or throwing them in the trash could leave them vulnerable to thieves, who could use them to access your accounts.
Make sure your mailbox is secure, and promptly remove mail after delivery. Identity thieves often raid mailboxes to obtain credit card offers and financial statements.
Contact the major credit-reporting companies at least annually to review their file. A copy of their credit report is available for a small fee.
The three major credit bureaus are:
Equifax: (800) 685-1111
TransUnion: (800) 916-8800
Experian: (888) 397-3742
Steps to Report Identity Theft:
Contact your bank or credit union to protect your accounts.
Contact your credit card suppliers.
Contact the Social Security Fraud Hotline: (800) 269-0271.
Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Identity Theft Hotline: (877) IDTHEFT or (877) 438-4338.
Contact your Farmers agent to file a claim against your Identity Fraud Expense coverage endorsement.
Typically, Homeowners insurance covers you for accidental discharge of water from a plumbing system. It's a good safety precaution to check your plumbing and heating systems once a year.